Medical gas pipeline systems in hospitals, and most other healthcare facilities, are essential for supplying piped oxygen, nitrous oxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and medical air to various parts of the hospital. These systems are usually highly monitored by various computerized alarm systems. Our offered medical gas pipe line systems find wide application in hospitals and other medical institutions. All our offered lines are trusted for their well-planned medical gas distribution systems.

We are reliable maintenance partner for servicing Medical Gas Pipeline System, Compressor, Vacuum Pump, Anaesthesia Machine, Suction Apparatus etc.,

VN Medical Services supply and refilling Medical Oxygen Cylinder, Nitrous Oxide Cylinder and Industrial Gas Cylinder.

In today’s frenzied lifestyle, it has become quite difficult to take proper care of our own health. The hectic pace of professional life leaves very little time for our most precious asset – out health. Lifestyle related diseases like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, etc. are rising alarmingly due to this.